Wissenschaftsakademie Berlin
Sommertrimester 2006
Studiengang Architekturtheorie
Samstag, 26. August, 20 Uhr c.t.:
Momus: Howl's Moving Architecture
Using scenes from the film as illustration, Momus looks at the way Miyazaki's animation "Howl's Moving Castle" sets retro-futurist architectural invention against a backdrop of Mitteleuropa as imagined by the Japanese. He relates these themes to the circumstances of his own first viewing of the film, at Tokyo's Roppongi Hills development, right after seeing the experimental architecture show "Archilab". He also thinks about the representation of Europe in Tokyo's architectural landscape, and relates the mutability seen both in "Howl's Moving Castle" and Tokyo itself to Tom Wolfe and Robert Venturi's ideas about "electrographic architecture".
Seminarort: Seminarraum 1 der Wissenschaftsakademie Berlin - Elite Universität, Torstrasse 94 (Redesigndeutschland), 10119 Berlin
Abbildungen: Für Grossansichten auf die Bilder klicken
Howl's Moving Castle |
Howl's Moving Castle |
Howl's Moving Castle |
Howl's Moving Castle |
Momus Seminar |
Momus Seminar |
Momus |
Momus |
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